Musings inspired by Noel Edmonds

Friday, September 15, 2006

Return Of The Mack

Today, I finally realised what a blog was actually for, and thought "That's quite a novel way of passing some time" so that's exactly what I'm doing. I also realised my ambition(I say ambition-its more like nightmare) of putting myself - semi voluntarily-through one of the most unpleasant experiences ever. As part of my job I had to clean out toilets. My chum Nic has to do this every day and will probably tell me to stop being such a girl about it and be grateful, but it is truly foul and has opened my eyes to the habits of some of the youth.
I found myself thinking like someone of an older generation as i disinfected the bowls of terror. These children have obviously been too busy hanging round in hoodies and getting pregnant so that all basic hygiene seems to have evaded them. For instance - the other day poor old Nic came across none other than urine soaked toliet roll in a bin! I mean, what went through that person's mind when they did that? Did their parents tell them to do that? I could understand if they were raised by wolves and didn't know how to use a toilet but they're not!
Anyway, elderly rant over - on the plus side the gang and I might get to do a radio show! I reckon we'll be much better than Chris Moyles and infinately better than Fearne bloody Cotton.


Blogger 18 years worth of memories said...

yeh, the bogs stink of weewee

2:26 PM  

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