Musings inspired by Noel Edmonds

Friday, September 22, 2006

Sod's Law

I must be the unluckiest person ever! I woke up today - 2 days before my birthday and have found myself with a cold. Either someone hates me and gives me the lurgy every year of my immune system is just crap. How many different types of cold can there be? I must have built up immunity to thousands of them over the years! Part of me has a mind to sue the school - cleaning other people's dust and inhaling it can't have helped! I know I shouldn't moan because loads of people are worse off than me but its just annoying really. Anyway i can hardly see the screen from my cold induced tears - i'm off to have a throat sweet and possibly a hot drink.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Nooo Kat - you CAN'T be ill over your birthday!!!!! Can you imagine sniffling into your tequila in Xtreme? No you cannot! That's why a lavender-scented bath, Olbus oil on your pillow, an early night and plenty of fluids is what you'll be living off from now on. Go to bed and get well soon chook (no more cleaning for 2 days, hehehe...!) xxx

10:41 AM  

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